DStv Premium customers will receive early access to the M-Net titles exclusively (Legacy S1, Hacks S1, Cold Courage S1, Evil S2). The River (1Magic, DStv channel 103) and Suidooster (kykNET, DStv channel 144) will be available to DStv Premium and DStv Compact Plus customers....
The kykNET reality show Tarzan van George follows one man and his dream: to play the legendary character of Tarzan on the big screen. Aspiring actor and filmmaker DeWet du Toit, along with his twin brother (and director and cameraman) Rudolf, has been on a mission for the past 12 years...
Whether it is Greece or Puerto Rico, the story is the same—the debt is unpayable. Greece is going through a referendum and they are taking a que from the Clash song“Should I Stay or Should I Go.”Meaning, should Greece stay or leave the European Union? I say it is not going to ...