Watch Kids "The most controversial film of the decade." NC-17 1995 1 hr 31 min 7.0(86,166) 63 An independent film highlighting the misadventures of a group of teenagers in mid-90s New York City. This seemingly innocent title show the juxtaposition of teenage rebellion alongside controversial...
The Most Powerful Woman in Hollywood You’ve Never Heard Of 12/9/2024 by Gary Baum The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News Jonah Hill movies: 12 greatest films ranked worst to best 12/15/2024 by Misty Holland, Robert Pius and Chris Beachum ...
Batman: Mask of the PhantasmPG • Kids, Action • Movie (1993) PaddingtonPG • Kids, Comedy • Movie (2014) The Addams Family 2PG • Kids, Comedy • Movie (2021) MatildaPG-13 • Comedy, Kids • Movie (1996) Batkid BeginsPG • Kids, Documentaries • Movie (2015) Paws...
The Goonies Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen 276 votes Embark on a treacherous quest for hidden treasure with a band of misfit kids in this unforgettable adventure film. With booby traps, pirate lore, and unbreakable friendships, this movie embodies the spirit of adventure that resonates with...
“Mrs. Doubtfire” is a hilarious film that families with older kids will love! Desperate to see his children as he navigates a nasty divorce, Robin Williams is perfection as he goes undercover as a British nanny and charms the whole family. But how long can he keep up this charade? Rat...
Kids and family moviesSee moreDrama TVSee more Hudson & Rex Romance TVSee more All The Queen's Men When Calls the Heart Castle Documentary TVSee more How the Crusades Changed History The History of the United States Navy Embarrassing Bodies The Chosen ...
As far as nostalgic family movies goes,Goonieshas it all. Treasure maps, pirates, booby traps, secret caves, the beautiful backdrop of Astoria, Oregon—this movie has it all. This ultimate adventure flick follows a group of kids on a quest to save their hometown from developers by finding ...
Rewind the tape and bask in the glow of a decade that defined childhood for many: the 1990s, a golden era for kids' movies that still reigns supreme in the hearts of those who grew up amidst the allure of VHS tapes and Saturday morning cartoons. This era wasn't just about films; it...
and the whole concept of figuring out who you are, there's enough drama to keep thing interesting. And even if your high school days are long behind you, there's something totally nostalgic about watching a dramatic coming-of-age movie about kids (*cough* 25-year-olds playing teens *coug...
When a child accidentally enters their world, James and Mike suddenly find that kids are not to be afraid of and they uncover a conspiracy that could threaten all children across the world. Genres: Animation, Comedy, Fantasy, Family. Country: United States of America. Runtime: 1h 32m. ...