red state Attorney Generals led by accused felon Ken Paxton, Attorney General of Texas, filed suit claiming that the policy was improperly adopted (claiming that such a directive needed to be adopted through the same process as a formal regulation) and failed to comply with the statutory mandate...
The moments of success accumulated. Some must have stood out to him. Maybe it was the writing ofBlowin’ in the Wind, which was far more sophisticated than his earlier work. Or maybe it was when he asked Tom Paxton whether the words ofA Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fallformed a poem or a s...
Quayle goes on to point out, “I believe that concurrent with the nuclear war, we will see preceding it for a short period of time, the absolute civil war mayhem, and you can call this anarchy. It is basically going to turn this country inside out. What happens when there is no Socia...
By Greg Hunter’s Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning his war cycles are going up. Nenner also predicted a few years back that, at some point, the U.S. dollar cycle would be headed down—way do