It's a Wonderful Life is a timeless classic movie from 1946 that starred James Stewart, Donna Reed, and Lionel Barrymore. Directed by Frank Capra, the story follows the life of George Bailey, a compassionate and kind-hearted man who runs a small building and loan association in the town of...
This family movie from Pixar and Disney follows jazz musician and teacher Joe as he travels from life to the Great Before (instead of the Great Beyond). He’s not ready for his life to be over, so he’s determined to make it home. The first-rate cast including Jaime Foxx and Tina F...
Guillermo del Toro picks It’s a Wonderful Life as his favorite Christmas movie 1/6/2025 by Cody Hamman 2025 Horror Preview: Over 50 Horror Movies We Can’t Wait to See This Year 1/6/2025 by Meagan Navarro World War Z Will Smith Won’t Star in Next ...
First things first, the LGBTQ+ community is notoriously divided onThe Perfection, which might be even more of a reason to give it a watch. Arguably one of the closest things we’ve gotten as a modern exploitation horror movie,The Perfectionfeatures stunning performances from Allison Williams and...
Many folks will argue it's not really Christmas if you've not snuck in a Home Alone rewatch. That's fair, but we'll opt for the original over Home Alone 2… or the other ones, which we don't talk about. This hammy home invasion film is the perfect family movie; kids will love ...
From animated classics to superhero action and stories from the Star Wars timeline, there's something for everyone on Disney Plus, so how do you make a choice when it comes to movie night? Well, we're here to help, as we've handpicked the 30 best movies on Disney Plus right now. Th...
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It’s obviously not a wonderful movie, but does have some funny parts, so if you’re at all interested, give it a watch. Baywatch was a one-of-a kind show . Recently, a documentary called Baywatch: The American Dream was created. Producers gathered the original cast and had them ...
While it's not explicitly about gender identity, I Saw the TV Glow hauntingly captures the feeling of growing up with a painful discordance between who you know you truly are and the life and body you've been born into, and how burying ourselves in fiction can feel like the only escape...
Watch Steven Soderbergh's 2001: A Space Odyssey Recut For Free [Stuff to Watch] Movie Trailer It's not clear whether Soderbergh has any legal right to upload and distribute his own edited version. What is clear is a deep emotional attachment to a work of art. ...