Night of the Living Deadis a seminal work in the horror genre directed by George A. Romero. It revolves around a group of people trapped in a farmhouse as they fend off hordes of reanimated corpses, referred to as “ghouls.” As the dangerous ghouls close in, the protagonist, Ben (Duane...
Her younger half-sister Amma haunts the house and the story like a ghost – an omnipresent force that's everywhere, but always kept out of focus. Amma's an uncanny echo of the sibling Camille lost, and an embodiment of the picture-perfect daughter Camille could never be for her mother. ...
The “Big Conspiracy” theory, which implies that satanists are responsible for such things as Adolph Hitler, World War II, abortion, illegal drugs, pornography, Watergate, and Irangate, and have infiltrated the Department of Justice, the Pentagon, and the White House. During the conferences, th...
The Teutonic Knights evolved out of a "fraternity" of German crusaders who took part in the siege of Acre during the Third Crusade. 'Help, defend, Heal' was the motto of the 'Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem', the Teutonic Order. It was formed to aid...
The Democrats in the House have passed a new stimulus bill with zero Republican support. Good luck getting it passed thought the Senate as it was only a partisan attempt by Nancy Pelosi who was criticized by members of her own party for not getting bipartisan support. Without a new stimulus...
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer and professional trader Rick Ackerman says the economy is tanking, and there is no way to avoid an economic depression. Ackerman explains, “It’s going to be an interesting depres
Middle aged, adventuresome, the self-described drama queen found herself unemployed, owner of a small house purchased with a portion of the small savings she had at her disposal and determined to settle down, find work and establish a life filled with friends, joy and not a lot of stress....
"A Full House – But Empty: A Memoir with a Message" Is Angus Munro's recollection of his life growing up in the swing of the Great Depression. Raised by a single father when his mother left the household, he sings his father's praises for doing what few men ever face. The lessons...