From Director Tetsuro Araki (Deathnote, Black Lagoon), and adapted from the highly successful manga of the same name by Daisuke Sato, comes one of the hottest new shows of the Summer, High School of the Dead. A deadly new disease is ravaging the world, turning the populace into mindless...
Photo: / © Daiei Film Co. Ltd. / Hisashi Saito Based on a popular manga series of the same name by Naito Yamada, ‘French Dressing’ stars pop idol Munehisa Sakurada as a high school student who suffers from narcolepsy, a severe sleep disorder. During a suicide at...
Get Started With Hulu New Shows on Hulu Goosebumps: The Vanishing Inspired by R.L. Stine’s series of children’s thriller mystery books, this brand newGoosebumpsseries follows a group of high schoolers as they investigate a mysterious death that happened 30 years ago. The spooks and twists ...
The latest class of breakout TV characters in 2024 includes a vengeful power broker of Gotham, a post-apocalyptic gunslinger, and a hot mess of a high school English teacher. 9.2/10(5) The Quintessential K-Drama List: Most Popular Korean Shows on IMDb(#5.11) ...
“You’re really, really good for this”: Harris Dickinson’s Cat Sealed the Deal for Nicole Kidman to Cast Him as Her Lover in ‘Babygirl’ 12/27/2024 by Anushree Banerjee FandomWire High School Musical Alum Bart Johnson Slams Justin Baldoni, Supports Sister-In-Law Blake Lively: “He’...
Time to head back to high school and all the awkward, hilarious horrors that entails. Laugh out loud with our ranking of the best Netflix comedies currently taking the platform by storm. Big Mouth 7.8/10 Watch at Netflix Castlevania (Image credit: Netflix) Year: 2017Seasons: 4 ...
As former classmates reunite at a high school reunion, the afterparty — held at a luxe mansion owned by former loser–turned–hot Hollywood star Xavier (Dave Franco) — turns deadly when their host is found dead, the subject of an apparent murder. Arriving at the scene of the crime, Det...
At this time we aren't anticipating any creek or stream flooding as the last 30 days has been relatively dry, but be sure to bring along the rain gear for tonight's High School Football playoff games. Skies will slowly clear tomorrow for a sunny but windy Saturday afternoon. The winds ...
Quick background on me the reviewer, I tend to like single player games that is heavy on narrative the most. I also play a lot of racing games and use to play multiplayer games in my high school days but now that it's hard for me and my friends to find a good time to link up ...
This multi Oscar nominated movie came to streaming on Peacock in the US earlier in the year, but it’s now time for the UK crowd to get up to speed. Paul Giamatti stars as a teacher in a posh prep school. He and a few students are left at the school when the rest of the student...