Fantasy, Action • TV Series (2024) After an assailant murders office worker Mikami Satoru, he finds himself reborn as a remarkably powerful slime in an alternate world, where he begins a quest to promote harmony among the world's different races.Fantasy, Anime • TV Series (2018) ...
For a Western world that embraces competition, it is not easy to understand the Chinese way of thinking that calls for harmony and stability. China voices opposition to THAAD deployment, vows military training Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson Yang Yujun said Thursday that China resolutely opposes...
The case of Harmony Montgomery, who was born in Massachusetts to unmarried parents with a history of substance abuse, exposed weaknesses in child protection systems and provoked calls to prioritize the well-being of children over parents in custody matters. Harmony was moved between the homes of h...
"Shattered Dreams" follows the unique relationship of Earl Brentan Montgomery and Lady Elyssa Prescott, who come together out of Brentan's wish to gain access to a horse, agreeing to spend two weeks with the traditionally undesirable Elyssa. But when love enters the picture legitimately, the tr...
Taylor Schabusiness tells police she doesn't remember strangling her boyfriend, but it felt good. She leaves his severed head in a bucket for his mother to find.And in Tennessee, prosecutors say Joel Guy Jr created a "diabolical stew of human remains" with his mother's head when he finds...