Juno is a heartwarming drama-comedy that revolves around the life of Juno MacGuff (Elliot Page), a witty and independent 16-year-old who becomes pregnant by her friend, Paulie Bleeker (Michael Cera). Instead of opting for an abortion, she decides to give the baby ...
Eva Marie Saint, James Mason, Martin Landau and Jessie Royce Landis – heroes, villains and worried mothers, they’re all having a ball. But it’s Grant’s movie: a Hollywood A-lister happy to be the punchline when the scene calls for it. 2.M (1931) Film Drama Several real-life ch...
Juno is a heartwarming drama-comedy that revolves around the life of Juno MacGuff (Elliot Page), a witty and independent 16-year-old who becomes pregnant by her friend, Paulie Bleeker (Michael Cera). Instead of opting for an abortion, she decides to give the baby ...
Happy New Year! If you're not ready to start thinking about the passage of time just yet, allow Max's new releases to provide a distraction. The fifth season of the adult animated DC seriesHarley Quinnhits Max in January, whileThe Pitt, a new medical series fromER's John Wells, also ...
60. Battle of Changsha Chinese Drama - 2014, 32 episodes Battle of Changsha retells the turbulent events of the second Sino-Japanese War through the perspective of the Hu family, particularly through the eyes of a 16 year old girl named Xiang Xiang and her twin brother, Xiao Man. Gu Qin...
subtitled haruaki abe is happy to finally fulfill his dream of becoming a teacher. that happiness is short-lived after he arrives at hyakki academy and finds out the school is full of monsters! can abe overcome his cowardice and get his supernatural students under control? join the timid ...
DRAMAtical Murder Uzumaki Haikyu!! Yu Yu Hakusho Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Kengan Ashura Pluto My Happy Marriage Cells at Work! Devilman Crybaby Maid-sama Ghost Stories The Case Study of Vanitas Vampire Knight Hellsing Ultimate
blurs the lines between right and wrong and successfully taps into the emotional and moral essence of an ongoing crisis. The filmmaker tenders no facile explanations or resolutions to this tale. He rather invites the viewers to analyze what had made the life of this once happy couple so ...
“her” is a science-fiction romantic drama written and directed by Spike Jonze. Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix) is a sensitive man who is left heartbroken after his marriage ends. He becomes fascinated with a new operating system that develops into an intuitive and unique entity, similar to that ...
subtitled haruaki abe is happy to finally fulfill his dream of becoming a teacher. that happiness is short-lived after he arrives at hyakki academy and finds out the school is full of monsters! can abe overcome his cowardice and get his supernatural students under control? join the timid ...