Four teenage friends move from Minneapolis to Los Angeles to form a potential chart-topping boy band after Kendall is inadvertently discovered by an eccentric record executive, Gustavo Rocque. As they seize this opportunity of a lifetime, these friends embark on an exciting comedy and music-filled...
THESSALONIKI (1st Documentary Festival, Images of the 21st Century) HONG KONG (23rd International Film Festival) BUENOS AIRES (1st Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente) Minneapolis/St. Paul (17th International Film Festival) BARCELONA (Goethe Institute) ...
Stephanie Burrage the President of Delta Sigma Theta’s Minneapolis-St. Paul Alumnae Chapter In an effort to highlight the people who are leading graduate chapters across the nation, we at Watch The Yard reached out to the sorority sisters... Deltas1 year ago Leadership Highlight: Takija ...
Audio: Bob Dylan at the Orpheum Theater, Minneapolis – Nov. 2014 –“Things Have Changed,’‘She Belongs To Me’ & More November 7, 2014 Audio: Previously Unreleased Velvet Underground Track , ‘I Can’t Stand It’ + ‘I’m Waiting For The Man’ November 6, 2014 Video: The Band...
Here’s a video of Low performing at Station To Station in Minneapolis. Below is a link to Pitchfork and lots more videos. More videos. Share this: Email Print LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Pinterest Tumblr Pocket Reddit Like this: Loading......
, nicole curtis restores old homes in minneapolis. photo: bruce bisping/star tribune via getty images on rehab addict , everything old is new again. designer nicole curtis finds historic old homes and refurbishes them to honor their past and bring them up-to-date for more modern homeowners’...
Around 40 hours of footage were captured, but those recordings -- largely unseen -- sat in a basement for nearly 50 years. Thanks to Ahmir "Questlove" Thompson, that footage became the heart of the 2021 documentary Summer of Soul. Among the glorious performances are those by Ni...
THE RISE OF THE LAKERS DYNASTY looks like a down-to-the-buzzer slam-dunk-for-the-win for HBO this month. We asked you if you knew how it got the name ‘Lakers’. The answer – Though there are no natural lakes in L. A. the franchise was the Minneapolis Lakers first, hailing from...
Newly inducted Rock & Roll Hall of FamersPat Benatarand Neil Giraldo will appear as special guests atseveral showswithPinkthis summer. The first concert will take place on July 31 at Boston's Fenway Park, followed by five more tour dates in Washington, D.C., Minneapolis, Chicago, Milwaukee...
It has been more than a week since George Floyd died at the hands of a Minneapolis Police Department officer and in the days since, protests and demonstrations have developed around the world, as hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in both sprawling metropolitan areas and...