The Legend of the Red Dragon Jet Li, Chingmy Yau, Deannie Yip 787 votes This epic martial arts adventure follows a young warrior on his quest for vengeance after his family is brutally murdered. Along the way, he encounters fierce enemies, uncovers hidden powers, and learns valuable le...
Several real-life child murderers, cannibals and serial killers – their nicknames are grisly enough: the Butcher of Hanover, the Vampire of Düsseldorf – terrorised Germany in the 1920s. Berlin's most moneyed and celebrated director, Fritz Lang, was drawn to the subject, which would become ...
Don’t miss out on our students’ epic performance!Dulwich College Beijing’s Drama Department, in collaboration with our Music Department, is proud to present our Senior School Performing Arts students' spirited rendition of the iconic...
When one thinksepic, one thinks David Lean’s most epic of epics:Lawrence of Arabia. A live-action adventure before live-action CGI was a thing, the multi-Oscar winner stars Peter O’Toole as the titular British lieutenant and spends 216 minutes exploring his exploits in the Arabian desert...
Heidi Klum Halloween: Look Back at 25 Years of Epic Costumes | rETrospective 10:15 Peter Krause Reacts to 'Painful' First Movie and Rare, Unseen Interviews | rETrospective 9:52 Michael Bublé Reacts to His First Interview and Writing Music for His Wife | rETrospective 8:37 Kelly Bishop S...
the Extra-Terrestrial, and Jurassic Park. It's time for you to express your opinion and vote up the movies every boy should watch.1 Star Wars Franchise Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill 359 votes Agree or Disagree? A timeless battle between good and evil, featuring epic lightsaber ...
From that basic foundation, Kurosawa spins an epic that is, at turns, exhilarating, funny and emotionally resonant, not to mention highly influential – Hollywood has lifted the plot for everything from The Magnificent Seven to A Bug’s Life. Its 207 minute runtime might seem daunting, but ...
From the laugh-out-loud flick that always brings a smile to our face to a musical comedy that you can’t help but sing along to, here are five of the best movies to watch, all sure to boost your spirit – plus, where to order your favourite cinema food at home. This Is ...
We uncover the top three must-watch movies to see over the coming month – you will not want to miss out on these epic flicks. Peter Rabbit Watch James Cordon in Peter Rabbit at VOX Cinemas across the Middle East With an all-star cast including Daisy Ridley, Margot Robbie and Rose Byrne...
Fans of HBO'sBand of Brothers(2001) andThe Pacific(2010) now have a third epic war miniseries — this time on Apple TV+ — from executive producers Gary Goetzman,Tom Hanks, andSteven Spielberg. The nine-episode limited series centers on the 100th Bomb Group, an Air Force bomber unit fi...