Team up with Dedsec, a notorious group of hackers, and expose the hidden dangers of ctOS 2.0, which, in the hands of corrupt corporations, is being wrongfully used to monitor and manipulate citizens on a massive scale. Purchase Watch_Dogs®2 Deluxe Edition and get access to: ...
Haz equipo con Dedsec, un importante grupo de hackers, para eliminar al mayor hacker de la historia acaba con ctOS 2.0, una enorme sistema operativo usado por genios criminales para manipular a los ciudadanos a gran escala. Compra Watch Dogs 2 Deluxe Edition y tenga acceso a: ...
Watch Dogs®2 €49.99+Description Play as Marcus Holloway, a brilliant young hacker living in the birthplace of the tech revolution, the San Francisco Bay Area. Team up with Dedsec, a notorious group of hackers, to execute the biggest hack in history; take down ctOS 2.0, an invasive opera...
在此搭售方案中 Watch Dogs®2 - Punk Rock Pack HK$39.00 Watch Dogs®2 - Urban Artist Pack HK$39.00 Watch Dogs®2 HK$422.50+描述 Play as Marcus Holloway, a brilliant young hacker living in the birthplace of the tech revolution, the San Francisco Bay Area. Team up with Dedsec, a ...
在Steam 上查看整个 WatchDogs Franchise 注意:Purchases made in this region will only receive the Russian and Simplified Chinese languages. 购买Watch_Dogs2 ¥ 298.00 添加至购物车 购买Watch_Dogs2 Deluxe Edition ¥ 348.00 添加至购物车 购买Watch_Dogs2 Gold Edition ...
Watch Dogs 2 — Dynamic Theme Free wallpaperTheme 游戏介绍 Play DLC Packs 30 days early on PlayStation®4Play as Marcus Holloway, a brilliant young hacker living in the birthplace of the tech revolution, the San Francisco Bay Area.Team up with Dedsec, a notorious group of hackers, to ...
- A deeper knowledge of DedSec, an important faction in the Watch_Dogs universe. Editions: Watch_Dogs™ 1.872 Ft7.490 FtSave 75%Offer ends 26/2/2025 11:59 PM UTC Watch Dogs: Complete Edition Not available for purchase Learn More
在Steam 上查看整个 WatchDogs Franchise 注意:Purchases made in this region will only receive the Russian and Simplified Chinese languages. 购买Watch_Dogs2 ¥ 298.00 添加至购物车 购买Watch_Dogs2 Deluxe Edition ¥ 348.00 添加至购物车 购买Watch_Dogs2 Gold Edition ...
看门狗2(watch dogs 2)是一款超受欢迎的开放世界黑客冒险类型的游戏,这款游戏中有着非常精美的画面设计风格,玩家去扮演的是一名有着超高的技术,可以入侵世界的黑客,利用好各种设备完成自己的任务,喜欢这款游戏的小伙伴千万不能错过,有兴趣的话可以下载体验一下哦! 游戏特色 在看门狗2中开阔的地图场景可以自由探索,...
在今年4月份《看门狗(Watch Dogs)》公布了其名为“Dedsec”的豪华限定版内容,而就在昨晚,育碧官方公开了介绍这一特典的宣传片,其中参杂着实机影像。“Dedsec版”收录内容回顾:23厘米的Aiden Pearc