【马可仕】老兄,他们还活在模拟时代啊。 【扳手】我早就跟你说了,他们都是卢德主义者(2)。 (2)卢德运动(Luddite)是19世纪英国民间对抗工业革命、反对纺织业者的一次社会运动。在该运动中,常常发生毁坏纺织机的事件。因为工业革命运用机器大量取代人力劳作,使人们不能改善他们的生活,甚至失去职业。卢德主义者在现代...
【扳手】吉米·西斯卡的最佳歌曲?(2)哦……不会吧。 【马可仕】我们打算怎么处理这件事? 【席塔拉】有空来一趟黑客空间吧,我们会找出回敬他们的最好方法。 【马可仕】好。 (2)英原句:Jimmy Siska’s greatest fits? Greatest Fits是工业音乐方面的杰出代表,演唱者Ministry(谷歌搜索称为圣职),发行日期:2001年6...
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This gameisgiftable Deal until: 2025/2/24 23:59 UTC 价格更新于: 2025/2/18 01:00 86 Assassin’s Creed® Valhalla + Watch Dogs®: Legion Bundle 发布于 2020/11/12 (US) XSX Optimized 描述 This bundle includes Assassin's Creed® Valhalla and Watch Dogs®: Legion. ...
WATCH_DOGS™ Season Pass 起于: 1.62 CNY Watch_Dogs™ Bad Blood 起于: 1.05 CNY Watch Dogs®2 - No Compromise 起于: 0.81 CNY Watch_Dogs®2 - Season Pass 起于: 3.25 CNY Xbox-Now Registration Your advantages, if you register for free on Xbox-Now: Create your own ...
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Abra e compartilhe este GIF xbox one, mgs5, watch dogs, com todos que você conhece. Tamanho 400 x 225px. O GIF criado por Dizuru. Baixe os gifs mais populares mgsv, ps4, istolesociety, ac4, aciv, em GIFER.com.
Episode 2 NDN Clinic A new crew threatens the Reservation Dogs while they try and make some money selling meat pies outside the local IHS Clinic. Episode 3 Uncle Brownie With a new rivalry crew threatening the Rez Dogs, Elora seeks out her Uncle to help them learn how to fight. Episode ...