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How many of our lone agents could have escaped discovery... and death... had we inserted as many as possible covert agents into enemy or criminal groups?!? Is there any reason why we, the good guys, have to always work in one, very limited way while the bad guys prove to be more...
Vladimir Putin’s regime is in its death throes. His “special military operation”, far from disarming Ukraine, has only succeeded in disarming Russia. Moscow has lost over 220,000 soldiers to death or injury alongside 1,900 tanks. These are the sort of numbers we associate with the first...
This country needs to run free. Imagine being on the back of that stallion. What a ride that would be. The potential of this country is no different. I would not blame President Trump if he went back to his businesses. Even though he apparently lost two Billion dollars while being ...
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 518 3.4.22) Get ready for even bigger inflation than you have already seen. The indebted global economy was already listing from all the unpayable debt. Now inflation has made a direct hit. The economic ship is goin
"Nobody can find free infectious HIV virus in a human being. That is why they have to resort to looking for antibodies to HIV in a person. That is one of the biggest flaws in the HIV hypothesis." –David Rasnick, PhD AIDS, Inc. is a film about the multi-billion dollar AIDS industr...
It comes natural to a free human being. What makes me deeply sad is not what these evil obscure souls in charge are doing to all mankind. They are just doing their dirty job, that’s what they’ve been always here for. It is just their corrupted and dark nature. What leaves me ...
Thus, when the Soviet Union’s industrialization plandidn’t proceed as intended, it had to be the fault of wreckers working for foreign powers. Stalin himself could never be at fault. In the same way, it cannot, by definition, be Kim’s fault that people are overburdened with requests ...