Christmas in the Smokies Barry Corbin, Alan Powell, Gregory Alan Williams 18 votes Christmas in the Smokies is a heartwarming G-rated holiday film that follows a woman's struggle to save her family's beloved berry farm in the face of financial adversity. Set against the picturesqu...
Christmas in the Smokies Barry Corbin, Alan Powell, Gregory Alan Williams 18 votes Christmas in the Smokies is a heartwarming G-rated holiday film that follows a woman's struggle to save her family's beloved berry farm in the face of financial adversity. Set against the pictures...
Christmas in the Smokies Barry Corbin, Alan Powell, Gregory Alan Williams 18 votes Christmas in the Smokies is a heartwarming G-rated holiday film that follows a woman's struggle to save her family's beloved berry farm in the face of financial adversity. Set against the picturesqu...
Christmas in the Smokies Barry Corbin, Alan Powell, Gregory Alan Williams 18 votes Christmas in the Smokies is a heartwarming G-rated holiday film that follows a woman's struggle to save her family's beloved berry farm in the face of financial adversity. Set against the pictures...
Christmas in the Smokies Barry Corbin, Alan Powell, Gregory Alan Williams 18 votes Christmas in the Smokies is a heartwarming G-rated holiday film that follows a woman's struggle to save her family's beloved berry farm in the face of financial adversity. Set against the pictures...