The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj The Unstoppable Yellow Yeti The Untouchables of Elliot Mouse The VeggieTales Show The Venture Bros The Wacky World of Tex Avery The Walten Files The Weekenders The What a Cartoon Show The Why Why? Family The Wiggles The...
We Bare Bears is a comedy about three bear siblings named Grizzly, Panda and Ice Bear. Each episode follows their awkward attempts at integrating with the human world in the San Francisco Bay Area, whether they're looking for food, trying to make human friends or scheming to become Internet...
Over the Garden Wall Over the Garden Wall is Cartoon Network’s 1st animated mini-series event that tells the story of two brothers, Wirt and Greg, who find themselves lost in a strange forest. With the help of a bluebird named Beatrice, they must travel across this strange land in hope...
Japanese cinema has a rich history of folktales and ghost stories – and Kaneto Shindo’s erotic horrorOnibabais a sublime example of both. Nobuko Otowa and Jitsuko Yoshimura star as a woman and her daughter-in-law who, while their men are off at war, survive by killing samurai lost in...