Captain America: The First Avenger is the first MCU movie in order of chronology (Image credit: Marvel Studios) Captain America: The First Avenger Cap's first adventure was the fifth Marvel movie released in theaters. However, it's set in the 1940s, so stream this one first. Captain Marve...
While he isn’t technically an Avenger, Doctor Strange and his first solo adventure play a big role in the events to come for the superhero team. The film follows arrogant neurosurgeon Stephen Strange as he becomes the world’s new “Sorcerer Supreme” and thwarts an invasion from an alterna...
through the empty nest, forGood Housekeepingsince 2018; previously, she wrote about parents and families atParentsandWorking Mother. She lives with her toy-collecting husband and daughter in Brooklyn, where she can be found helping out her team at bar trivia or posting about movies onTwitterand...
Here's how to watch Marvel movies in order of chronological events and their release dates — plus, where to watch them all.
Ready to watch the Marvel movies in order? Here are the best ways to experience the entire Marvel timeline: chronological order, release order, best-rated films and even a shortlist to Endgame.
Starting with Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain Marvel and into Black Widow and Endgame, here's how to watch Marvel movies in chronological order of the events!
A guide on how to watch the Marvel movies in order, with both release date and chronological watch order lists for you to use right now in an MCU marathon
Where to watch the Marvel movies (in any order) All MCU movies (and now shows) have found a home on Disney+ aside from The Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and Spider-Man: Far From Home, whose distribution rights are owned by other studios. Those three misfits can be rented or...
1. "Captain America: The First Avenger" (2011) Your first introduction to the Marvel Universe will be with "Captain America: The First Avenger." This movie came out in 2011 and features Chris Evans as the lead. The very first movie in the Marvel Universe when watching chronologically is "...
Agatha All Along has just wrapped up on Disney+ so here's where it's set in the MCU timeline and how to watch the entire MCU in chronological and release order.