Stream and watch the anime Cardcaptor Sakura on Crunchyroll. Ten-year-old Sakura lives a pretty normal life with her older brother, Toya, and widowed father, Fujitaka. Or she did, until the day she returned home from school to discover a glowing book in
Although the library isn’t as vast as Netflix and other competitors, it features worthy shows, films, documentaries, and more.Anime fans will find a limited yet decent collection of anime content on the platform. This includes Japanese classic anime shows, films, and short videos. Popular ...
Not only is Cardcaptor Sakura known for its magical hijinks, but also its feel good slice-of-life moments involving family, female friendships, and LGBTQ characters and themes. Since the original anime’s run, the series has gone on to influence other magical girl anime such asMagical Lyrical...
With 12 episodes, this student anime aired in 2022 and is produced by Shueisha in collaboration with Netflix, with animation by domerica. This series offers a lighthearted blend of romance, comedy, and school life for viewers to enjoy. In 'Romantic Killer,' Anzu Hoshino's simple life of vi...