Amelie McKendry Pedestrian (uncredited) Addyson Medley Hacker (uncredited) Anthony Molinari Cop 2 (uncredited) Robb Moon Casino Patron (uncredited) Sean Moon Sign Language Interpreter (uncredited) Ashley Nicole Murray Conventioneer (uncredited) Celina Nessa Tourist (uncredited) Brodi Nicholas ExoCon Conve...
This movie tells the story of Amelie Poulain, played by Audrey Tautou, a shy and imaginative young woman living in Paris. Amelie finds joy in small, everyday pleasures and decides to embark on a mission to spread happiness to those around her. As Amelie helps others find love and fulfillm...
sending high-achieving London policeman Nick Angel (Pegg) to the most boring place in the UK (or so it seems). It also manages to wring every last drip of funny out of executing spot-on bombastic, Bayhem-style action in a sleepy English small-town ...