" Naast de mogelijk waardevolle informatie die je kunt krijgen, kun je ook meer te weten komen over de mentaliteit van de persoon die de enquête invult. Automatiseer het proces.Het gebruik van een geautomatiseerd platform vereenvoudigt het werk. Dankzij geautomatiseerde platforms krijg ...
Assume that map matrix P of PCA was obtained. The T2 statistic of sample x is: T2 = xT PS−1PT x, (18) where S is covariance matrix of training data. Then, the contribution rate can be calculated as: CiT2 = ξ T i PS−1 P 1 2 x 2 , (19) where ξi is a unit ...
My first request is "I need help designing an exercise program for someone who wants to lose weight." Act as a Mental Health Adviser Contributed by: @devisasari I want you to act as a mental health adviser. I will provide you with an individual looking for guidance and advice on ...