WatA lightning talk by Gary Bernhardt from CodeMash 2012 This talk does not represent anyone's actual opinion. For a more serious take on software, try Destroy All Software Screencasts: 10 to 15 minutes every other week, dense with information on advanced topics like Unix, TDD, OO Design,...
Wat A lightning talk by Gary Bernhardt from CodeMash 2012 This talk does not represent anyone's actual opinion. For a more serious take on software, try Destroy All Software Screencasts: 10 to 15 minutes every other week, dense with information on advanced topics like Unix, TDD, OO Design...
watfus/miniblinkPublic forked fromdel-xiong/miniblink Notifications Fork0 Star0 Latest commit raintean 初始化提交 Dec 20, 2018 898e848·Dec 20, 2018Dec 20, 2018 History History
SCAM AND NOT SECURE - WILL DESTROY YOUR BUSINESS WATI is the worst platform we’ve ever dealt with. We are a business based in Iraq, and their incompetence has caused us nothing but damage. Our account was hacked, and someone sent thousands of spam messages to Indonesia – a country we...
If your build VM gets cluttered, or falls out of date, you can use vagrant destroy to wipe the VM clean, then invoke one of the below commands to start over. After checking out Proton and updating its submodules, you can use these targets to build Proton: make install - This will bui...