withthetreatmentandreuseofwastewater.Theultimategoalofwastewaterengineering istheprotectionofpublichealthinamannercommensuratewith environmental, eco- nomic, social, and political concerns. To protect public health and the environment, it is necessary to have knowledge of (1) constituents of concern in waste...
ENGG*6680AdvancedWaterandWastewaterTreatmentWinter2014 http://.uoguelph.ca/engineering/sites/default/files/W14%20-%206680.pdf *Metcalf&Eddy,Inc.(2014).WastewaterEngineering:Treatment,DisposalandReuse,5thedition,McGraw...PrecipitativeSofteningGuidanceManual,Office... ...
出版者:McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 4th edition 作者:Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. 出品人: 页数:1848 译者: 出版时间:2002-3-26 价格:USD 259.00 装帧:Hardcover isbn号码:9780070418783 丛书系列: 图书标签:wastewaterengineering环境美国treatmentWater教材EEE ...
水处理行业的权威书籍Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Resource Recovery(污水处理及回用技术)的最新...
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse This revision contains a strong focus on advanced wastewater treatment technologies and stresses the reuse aspects of wastewater and biosolids. Theory and design issues are now integrated in the chapt... This PDF ...
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse Wastewater engi- neering: treatment and reuse. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2004.Tchobanoglous G, Burton LF, Stensel DH. Wastewater engineering, treatment and reuse. Singapore: McGraw-Hill; 2004... M Safoniuk - 《Chemical Engineering》 被引量: 798发表...
treatmentneeds to be reframed as civilization progresses forward. Challenges and difficulties are surmounting in today’s scientific world. The status of environmental engineering research globally is in a state of disaster and deep comprehension. Research and development initiatives globally should ...
Engineering application of membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment in China: Current state and future prospect.pdf Front.Environ.Sci.Eng.2014,8(6):805—819 D0I10.1007/s11783—014—0756.8 Engineeringapplicationofmembranebioreactorfor wastewatertreatmentinChina:Currentstateandfuture prospect KangXIAO ,一...
1 and 2 depict simplified principles of the Wastewater Engineering by Metcalf Eddy etc. This article two processes. briefly discusses the differences between aerobic and anaerobic biological treatment processes and subsequently focuses on Table I summarizes the major differences in these two types of ...
Among the current treatment technologies applied in urban wastewater reuse for irrigation, wetlands were concluded to be the one of the most suitable ones in terms of pollutant removal and have advantages due to both low maintenance costs and required energy. Wetland behavior and efficiency concerning...