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Wetland plants can be categorized under four main classes, namely, emergent plants, floating leave macrophytes, submerged plants, and freely floating macrophytes. Emergent macrophytes are known to stabilize substrate and are usually observed above the water surface. Moreover, these plants are grown in...
For example, reads_1 (42,639 bp) carried 11 ARGs, which could confer resistance to multiple antibiotic classes, including beta-lactam (CTX-M and TEM-1), aminoglycoside [AAC(6′)-Ib-cr and aadA16], chloramphenicol (floR), tetracycline (tetA), quinolone (qnrS), sulfonamide (sul1), ...
Preprint at medRxiv (2021). Pechlivanis, N. et al. Detecting SARS-CoV-2 lineages and mutational load in municipal wastewater and a use-case in the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki, Greece. Sci. Rep. 12, 2659 (2021). Article Google Scholar ...
With the method validated for NPS of various classes, it can be easily expanded to include additional emerging NPS, which is imperative considering their dynamic nature and the harm associated with their consumption. CRediT authorship contribution statement Dhayaalini Nadarajan: Writing – original ...
food production but also other aspects of daily life will remain one of the major challenges for Europe in the near future. Novel emergent organic compounds (pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, personal care products, and others) pose a threat to our water reserves (Heberer2002a,b; Kasprzyk-...
Various classes of transferase, isomerase, hydrolase and other enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis, oxidation/reduction, addition of oxygen to a double bond, oxidation of amino group (-NH2) to a nitro group, hydroxyl group addition to a benzene ring, dehalogenation, reduction of a nitro group (NO2...
The main classes of MPs in the inlet were acrylonitrile-butadiene copolymer (40%), followed by polyethylene (17%) and ethylene-propylene (14%). After the settler, a high concentration of polyesters (23%), polyethylene (13%), polyurethane (13%), polyamide (11%), and polypropylene (11%)...
Requirements differ according to four water quality classes defined based on the type of crop and irrigation practice and include microbiological parameters (presence of pathogen organisms: Escherichia coli, Legionella spp., and intestinal nematodes) and physico-chemical variables [turbidity, biochemical ...
The resulted suitable areas were categorized into six classes including very high, high, moderate, low, very low, and not suitable classes (Figure 6). Based on the final weights (Table 4), the very high suitable class constitutes only 1.2% (66.17 km2) of the total agricul- tural area, ...