魅力最重要的效果––提升精准突击的充能速度,拿拳头武器为例,1魅力大约8拳充满,6魅力大约4拳,10魅力3拳(数字可能记错,但实际提升效果十分显著) 对于低AP消耗或者精准突击技十分有效的武器而言,非常值得投入 二、技能Skill&专精Perk&能力Ability 根据投入的技能点数,还会解锁对应的专精学习,学习专精需投入专精点才生...
General Skills in Wasteland 3 are: Animal Whisperer, Explosives, First Aid, Sneaky Shit and Weird Science Animal Whisperer Allows you to tame friendly animals to follow you, and temporarily tame hostile animals in combat (level 3 and above). Up to: Tame Animals (Difficulty 10 or Less) Anima...
You may not want to be a shooter for this set. The melee damage goes up by 30%, and the armor boost is a respectable +53. With such a high number, you will need at least level 7 Strength. Also, make sure your Weird Science is 3 or higher. Where to find Exoskeleton Armor Taking...
Liberty Buchanan's Desk Weird Science 7 to decode numbers - it looks like there is some tresure in Dining Room [D] Safe Lockpicking 10 - good weapon H Victory's Room Toster Toaster Repair 8 Item Peek Action Figure Skill Book The Legend of Bazooka Jim Permanently Big Guns +1 for one...
I was super pumped for the premier of the fifth season ofCommunity. After all, “Repilot” (5×1) marked the return of Dan Harmon and after a ‘weird’ fourth season, I was eager for the series to go back to normal. Or at least back to what I knew and loved, even with knowledge...
个人觉得智力和力量分別 因拳套攻擊力本身不算太高 所以智力+暴击伤害收益更大 力量则是+血和防和穿甲,比較安全的加点,可按实際需求选 技能方面 拳技能满那个1ap最重要 weird science, mechanics , leadership 也可以按需求选 拳套可以享受近战那个加移动速度的被动技能 ...
染料商线是在听完介绍人bb后开启的,和染料商对话,说需要调配出血的颜色地下城才会允许她开商铺,找玩家帮忙。和她身边的化学品(桌子)互动,可以自己选配方或者weirdscience6级直接过。 自选配方为:c18.h14.n2.s2.o8.s2。配方数据来源一本小丑化妆的lorebook(记不得哪里捡的了)。
Weird Science专精与能力 Overcharge:为武器充能,使其在下次攻击时能造成额外的能量、寒冷或火焰伤害。5%的几率炸自己。可以在战斗前事先充能,有富裕点数就学吧 Microwave Research:目标每有1点护甲,能量武器伤害便提升0.5 使用能量武器的角色学习 Conductive Beams:能量武器攻击有10%的概率使敌人触电,对改名敌人极其附...