Melee Combat专精效果 锐器推荐:Bleed Strike(能力 下面说)、Striking Distance(补充移动速度)、Hack 'N' Slash(锐器连续攻击同1名目标,第二次多追加1次攻击)、Pursuit(移动超过3格后,下一次锐器攻击额外有25%的几率暴击,对被减速的敌人额外造成100%伤害) 钝器推荐:Stunning Blow(能力 下面说)、Striking Distance(...
Required 10 Automatic Weapons Killing an enemy with an Automatic Weapon gives +3 AP (once per turn) Once they pop, you just can't stop. Melee Combat Perks Bleeding Strike Requires 2 Melee Combat Ability: Bleeding Strike (4 AP) An aggressive Bladed attack that deals an extra +100% damage...
The Wasteland is a dangerous place, and you never know when you are going to need ammo. I like to outfit my characters with a secondary melee weapon to finish off low health enemies or counter enemies with melee weapons of their own. Anything I can do to conserve ammo, especially some ...
The Mage's Tale Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Wasteland 3 Wasteland Remastered About Community Twitter Facebook Instagram YouTube Support Careers V I S I T F O R U M S Showcase of physical props used as reference for Wasteland 3 Weapons ...
Automatic Weapons, Big Guns, Brawling, Melee Combat, Small Arms or Sniper Rifles. When choosing Combat Skills, remember that there are several types of ammunition and each of them is more or less limited and the more sophisticated the type of weapon, the harder it will be to get ammunition...
Gopher Hunter at level 3 (reduces the 25% of defense of all enemies which you're attacking) Spray 'N' Pray at level 4 (doubles the number of bullets fired in a burst, but chance to hit is decreased by 25%) Reclees at level 6 (damage caused by automatic weapons is 15% higher if...
Covert Operations Manual (Fallout 4) Live & Love (Fallout 4) Unstoppables (Fallout 4) Top Pages this Week Vault-Tec bobblehead (Fallout 4) 1 Fallout: New Vegas console commands 2 Fallout 4 perks 3 For Auld Lang Syne 4 Fallout: New Vegas weapons 5 ...
There has been a whole arsenal added to the game, from melee weapons to scrap pipe weapons to shotguns and rifles. Loot or craft a 1911, BAR, Vector, SCAR, combat shotgun just to name a few. You will always have a few options at almost every tier of weapon. ...
3 Generate 1 combat enhancing chem every 40 minutes. Up to a max of 5. 005A5DBD 4 Generate 2 combat enhancing chems every 40 minutes. Up to a max of 5. 005A5DBE Hack and Slash 1 20% chance for melee VATS attacks to do area damage. 005D036E 2 30% chance for melee VA...
This 7 Days to Die mod adds in basic, craftable Fallout 4 style pipe guns, along with some custom weapons. Now requires theNuka Colas Modto be installed as well. Has to be installed on both servers and clients. Pipe Guns Fairly weak and has a low durability. Currently still has tiers,...