PowerPoint Presentation: Waste Management - Eco-Ethics ...Romeo D. Caturao
Product package includes an Acrobat file of the full report, an Excel spreadsheet of the data and a PowerPoint presentation. Subscribers will have access to online updates for 12 months following the purchase date. Total Data Package: $995. ...
– Check out the slidesherefrom our presentation at BioCycle’s 2017 Renewable Energy from Organics Recycling conference (REFOR17). They show that for many materials in our household and business waste streams the release of carbon pollution from burning wastes for energy is more environmentally ...
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The instruction segment took place through a PowerPoint presentation that appeared on one of the walls (see Fig. 2, Panel C). The virtual agent took the participant through this presentation, showing four prototypical examples of waste from every category. Furthermore, participants were told abou...
to the presence of various types of pollutants in soil, such as potentially toxic elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as well as microplastics. It is critical to constantly monitor these pollutants since they are harmful to human health as well as the natural environment, including water...
Figure 2 Open in figure viewerPowerPoint Graphical presentation of method 3. The amount of hydrochloric acid used was in large excess and its concentration was not altered by significant value. Thus the reaction is a pseudo-first-order reaction. On the basis of our result this depolymerization ...