Linked to the growth of this industry, different agencies in the public and private sectors have been paying more attention to the increase in the level of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in the environment (Lees et al.2016), as well as to user practices (Massoud et al.2015; Vellin...
(t = 1.5 h), resulted in increases in carbonates after carbonation of 13.7 %, 9.7 and 1.8 % for BA, LFS and CDW, meaning an approximate uptake of 60.5, 42.69 and 8.0 eqCO2/kg for the BA, LFS and CDW, respectively, assuming that most of the new carbonates were in form of CaCO3....
Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) is essential for tackling urban environmental challenges and facilitating renewable energy recycling. The MSWI process has characteristics of multiple variables, strong coupling, and complex nonlinearity, requiri
This unsystematic literature review approach incorporates multiple elements of wasteland discourse, like understanding the meaning of the term on a global scale, setting out the meaning of the term waste into multiple perspectives explicitly in the Indian context, along with different classes and ...