8PART3REASONSBEHINDWMSCANDAL Figure4.CompensationSummary.Source:Morningstar,1996. Withthedefectofboardstructure,theTop-levelmanagementofWMlackceand systematicsupervision.Infigure5,oneresearchshowsthatgenerallytheproblemsrelatedtothe board,especiallybiasedboardstructure,areaccusedoftaking44%ofresponsibilityforCG proble...
Western countries throw out nearly half of their food, not because it’s inedible -- but because it doesn’t look appealing. Tristram Stuart delves into the shocking data of wasted food, calling for a more responsible use of global resources.
This is because the store management is able to maintain the shelf inventory by simply taking bread out of the freezer (sometimes more than once during the day) for letting it unthaw on the shelves, hence, being always "fresh". 8. The distribution route of the delivery vehicle of the ...