we are rewarded for our cultural competence through recognition as cool, sophisticated individuals. Because these items are limited by the fact that they are mass-produced products
While the consumption of natural resources is critical to obtain high-quality gonads, their use in the feed industry is not sustainable for several ecological, economic and management reasons (Pearce et al., 2002). Size, colour, taste, and firmness of the gonads are strictly related to the ...
sampled directly from the digester tank and not modified) from the industrial anaerobic digestion of kitchen food waste was sourced from the Langage-AD facility located in Plymouth (Devon, UK). The composition of the collected NRD was stable throughout the year, demonstrating a robust anaerobic ...
The olive sector generates four tons of OMSW for each ton of olive oil produced, which is creating a management challenge due to the high volume generated, but also an opportunity as it can be used as raw material for different bioprocesses. An alternative approach worth considering is ...
The purpose of this survey-based study was to estimate the amount of seafood waste produced and understand the existing waste management practices in Bangladesh. Potential for seafood waste-based silage production and its utilization were also studied. Across the seafood industry, around 43,321 tons...
Regarding the management of by-products, 60% of by-products from the total production process of artichoke is destined for the canning industry, while the remaining 40% is consumed fresh [1]. In the artichoke industry, the inner bracts are used along with the artichoke receptacle, while the ...
PLA (NatureWorks LLC, Plymouth, USA) with a content of D–isomer units of 4%, a number-average molecular weightMnequal to 76 kDa, and dispersityĐM= 2.2 is used in this research. PLA has glass transition temperatureTgequal to 63 °C, crystallization temperatureTcryst= 119 °C, and mel...