相比竞争对手,Urban Enviro Waste Management的上修每股收益的分析师人数,最近60天基准如何? 我们发现下列公司与Urban Enviro Waste Management Ltd相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务指标,并将列表缩小到以下范围。 Urban Enviro Waste Management的上修每股收益的分析师人数,最近60天基准 名称...
A. TALAMO and W. GUDOWSKI, "Incineration of Light Water Reactors waste in High Temperature Gas Reactors: Axial Fuel Management and Strategy for Transmutation of Americium and Curium," Nuclear Science and Engineering 156, (2007).A. Talamo and W. Gudowski. Incineration of Light Water Reactor ...
I know about new innovations in waste management.well organized.great jog .i really enjoyed and fruitful visit.thanks ReportHelpfulReply 2 22 Feb 2019 VivekVisitorConsultant at Independent ConsultantBengaluru, India Variety Accessibility Waste Technology related products were hardly there in compared to ...
相比竞争对手,Urban Enviro Waste Management的下修每股收益的分析师人数,最近30天基准如何? 我们发现下列公司与Urban Enviro Waste Management Ltd相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务指标,并将列表缩小到以下范围。 Urban Enviro Waste Management的下修每股收益的分析师人数,最近30天基准 名称...
Montenegro faces serious challenges in terms of waste tire management. The main goal of our paper is to consider the financial and economic justification of the implementation of the first phase of the project of collection, takeover and transport, sorting, and storage of waste tires from the th...
Therefore, CSR actions aimed at serving one goal can consequently conflict with another and have different effects on the various stakeholders involved—consumers, companies, and society as a whole. In this paper, we bring a multi-level perspective between institutions and actors into the CSR ...
Keywords: airport; construction waste; Copenhagen Airport; incinerated waste; landfill waste; recycling waste; waste disposal; waste management 1. Introduction Airports play a vital role in the global air transport value chain, acting as the critical interface point between the surface-based and air ...
Keywords: urban waste management; waste-to-energy; operational efficiency; revamping project 1. Introduction 1.1. Brief Description of Kaohsiung Municipality Taiwan, geographically located in the southeastern rim of Asia, faces the Pacific Ocean in the east and the Taiwan Strait in the west. This ...
While take-back movements are currently spreading in China, pertinent legislation emerges and encourages the awareness of remanufacturing management. The Regulation on [the] Management of E-waste Disposal promulgated in January 2011 is one of the most influential take-back directives based on the EPR...
Keywords: waste management; smart city; waste collection system; WEEE; Internet of Things; sensors; cloud platform 1. Introduction Due to the fast decrease of the available natural resources and the increased costs of raw material extraction, the European Union strategy suggests the replacement of ...