Main Genre Documentary Tagline The moment when one thing turns into another is the most beautiful moment. Website Summary Filmed over nearly three years, Waste Land follows renowned artist Vik Muniz as he journeys from his home base in Brooklyn to his nati...
"Waste Land" is a must-see! A Cinderella story with true grit, a brilliant cast and an improbably big heart.” - Minneapolis Star Tribune Waste Land has won Best Documentary and Best Editing at the prestigiousGrande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro!
A desert wanderer embarks on a daunting quest through a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with dinosaurs, exploding robot snakes, insane freaks, and an empire of bandits who worship the distorted memory of Using mystical karate...See more Read more: Plot summary ...
Wasted! The Story of Food Waste: Directed by Anna Chai, Nari Kye. With Dan Barber, Mario Batali, Massimo Bottura, Anthony Bourdain. Through the eyes of famous chefs, audiences will see how they make the most of every kind of food, transforming what most
Trust. Sarita shot, edited, directed and produced In The Shadow of Ebola (2015) for PBS/Independent Lens and The Land Beneath Our Feet (2016) for the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Sarita is post-producing Outspoken, a social justice rap documentary partially filmed in Senegal, ...
阅读理解②Ridding land of foreign waste禁止“洋垃圾”入境In Plastic China, a documentary shot by Wang Jiuliang, Chen Feng(not his realname)makes his living recycling plastic waste imported from developed countries. Hisfamily lives among the garbage and his young son often finds “toys” around ...
were logged using a handheld GPS and recorded using QField.Footnote6This was complemented by documentary analysis of historical maps, city-planning and sanitation records, land-registry data, and newspaper sources. This work is ongoing at the time of writing, but I present preliminary results below...
“A ‘Vast Wasteland’: American Media in the 1980s” ties the panic to the success and rapid proliferation of infotainment during the decade. It argues that cases of satanic ritual abuse were particularly suited to the presentation of tabloid...
Summary Why am I making this film? I have been researching and writing about waste labor and urban social justice in Dakar, Senegal for 20 years. THE WASTE COMMONS documentary filmemerged out of conversations with waste pickers during ethnographic fieldwork on the dump starting in 2016 and their...
阅读理解Ridding land of foreign waste禁止“洋垃圾”入境In Plastic China, a documentary shot by Wang Jiuliang, Chen Feng( not his realname) makes his living recycling plastic waste imported from developed countries. Hisfamily lives among the garbage and his young son often finds “toys” around...