I came back in the morning to finish the job with the three jug traps placed in the hackberry/soapberry woodland canyon below the overlook. Again, I bagged the catches from the three traps, not because they were overrun by the beetles that I’m counting, but because they were overwhelmed ...
Eumeninae wasps make their nests in earth tunnels, hollow plant stems or old beetle borings or build mud cells in the form of small pots. The nests are provisioned with numerous small lepidopteran, beetle or symphytan larvae, which are stung and paralyzed by the females3. Thus provisioned,...
Some species do not build a nest for their brood but utilise natural crevices such as beetle borings, hollow plant stems or holes in masonry, while others excavate their own nests in suitable substrate such as dead wood or sand or friable soil. Prey is usually paralysed or killed by ...
The landscape of the Kampinos National Park (KPN), a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in Poland, is a mosaic of habitats created by natural processes and human activities. However, ongoing abandonment of traditional management has led to the development of fores
eborata, 251 females and 19 males in X. ogasawarai, and 28 females and no male in X. annulitibia (Table 2). In addition to the three woodwasp species, several wood-boring insects were collected in the sample trees. Longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) emerged from all tree species, weevils ...