Bee and wasp stings can be painful, but unless you're allergic, they're unlikely to cause major health problems. You can treat a sting at home by removing the stinger, cleaning the wound, and applying ice to reduce swelling. If you have any signs of an allergic reaction, such as a ra...
Although many different types of insects in the United States are able to inflict a poisonous bite or sting (meaning they are venomous), the insects most likely to cause medical problems are bees (including the domestic honey bee, its Africanized "killer bee" race, and the bumble bee), wa...
When should I call a doctor about a bee or wasp sting? Most bee and wasp stings can be treated at home, but some require medical attention. If there is any suspicion at all that a person is having a systemic allergic reaction, seek immediate emergency medical assistance. Signs that a per...
The wasp (known as the bee prior to New Horizons) is a bug in the Animal Crossing series that has appeared in every game to date. It can be found when shaking trees at any time of day or year. When shaken, a wasp nest can fall out of the tree, causing a swarm of wasps to cha...
A bee sting( 蜇咬)and a wasp( 黄蜂)sting at the same time — how would you feel if it happens? I knew this feeling when I was very young.On that day I was playing with my friends on the grassland. Then I suddenly felt a sting on my right hand. It felt like someone was ...
Trouble breathingorwheezing Tightness in the throat or a feeling that the airways are closing Hives Swelling away from the area of the sting, especially swelling of the face, tongue, or hands Hoarseness or trouble speaking Nausea,abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramps, orvomiting ...
THE STING OF THE BEE AND THE WASPTHE STING OF THE BEE AND THE WASP..doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(01)44681-2NoneElsevierLancet
Bee and wasp stings of the eye. Retained intralenticular wasp sting: a case report. Br J Ophthalmol. 1977; 61 (10):662–664.Gilboa M, Gdal-On M, Zonis S: Bee and wasp stings of the eye. Retained intralenticular wasp sting: a case report. Br J Ophthalmol 1977, 61: 662–664....
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: bee (wasp, or hornet) sting bee (wasp, or hornet) sting 分享到: 蜂螫分类: 中医 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗?
Bee, wasp and ant venomics pave the way for a component-resolved diagnosis of sting allergy With the complete sequencing of its genome, the honey bee is now a preferred model organism for Hymenoptera species, also with respect to venomic studies. ... DCD Graaf,M Aerts,E Danneels,... -...