(Animals) a solitary wasp of the genusOdynerusthat excavates its nest in sand or the mortar of old walls Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
View in context Drones, bumblebees, wasps, and butterflies knock awkwardly against the walls of the hive in their flight. View in context I love to "sit at ease and look down upon the wasps' nest beneath;" to listen to the dull murmur of the human tide ebbing and flowing ceaselessly ...
The design of the building takes into account the climatic conditions of the Mediterranean: the volume is compact to protect from the cold in winter, but expandable during the other three seasons of the year, allowing the use of the immediate outdoor ...
etc. Block walls surround the property for security and longer life. Inside has new 9mm commercial grade laminate floors throughout the house. Enjoy a separate family room and living room. The kitchen and both bathrooms are updated with painted cabinets and Port epoxy counter tops for durability...
[Matthias Wandel] had something of a wasp problem so he built this trap to catch the pesky fliers. These look like Yellow jackets and they can build some huge nests (check out the picture of a 2-year old dwelling). We’ve experienced a large nest in the walls of an apartment and wer...
Hornets,yellowjackets,carpenter bees,bumble bees,honey bees,ground bees,paper wasps,sand wasps, cicada killers, and other related species can easily become established in or on buildings, decks, sheds, garages, walls, and fencing. Species including yellowjackets (ground bees), bald faced hornets, ...
I have a storage area/patio at ground level at the back of the house which also has a mud room. One of the mud-room walls has an electrical outlet that must have pulled out of the wall at some point when an extension cord or something was removed (BIL has been living on the ...
her venom attacks the nervous system of the spider and paralyzes it. then she drags the body of her immobilized victim back to her nest, a tunnel in the ground or a tubular hole in wood. a single egg is laid on the spider, and the wasp walls it up alive in a tomb of spit and ...
3D printed sculptural walls in a Flagship Store by Giulia Lazzari 6 July 2021 3D printing on fabric by Giulia Lazzari 26 May 2021 3D printed textile workshop by Giulia Lazzari 25 May 2021 Cocoon and Divergent the 3D printed lamps by Giulia Lazzari ...
Hubbard's suggestion, and only the great pressure on your space prevented my meeting it in my previous letter. In the first place, my recollection is that the spider was of a kind that spins no web; like our own grey hunting spider, familiar in the summer on walls and palings. In ...