President, Washoe County School Board A long-time Sparks resident, Lezlie has been involved in Washoe County Schools for the last 28 years starting with PTA and moving on to co-chairing the District’s GT (Gifted and Talented) Advisory Committee and currently serves at the president of the Bo...
Washoe County School District is an above average, public school district located in RENO, NV. It has 64,443 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 25 to 1. According to state test scores, 30% of students are at least proficient in math and 44% in reading. Abou...
Transportation - Washoe County School District
Listing information is provided by the Northwest Multiple Listing Service (NWMLS). Property information is based on available data that may include MLS information, county records, and other sources. Listings marked with this symbol: provided by Northwest Multiple Listing Service, 2025. All information...
Like most primary and secondary schools, Washoe County (Nevada) School District (WCSD) faced significant challenges when bringing their users into the digital age. They needed a simple and effective way to protect students and facul...
Galena High School Grades: 9-12Distance: 11.8 mi Schools provided by the listing agent Elementary: Pleasant Valley Middle: Depoali High: Damonte Source: NNRMLS. This data may not be complete. We recommend contacting the local school district to confirm school assignments for this home. Show mor...
Washoe County School District’s History of Performance Contracting Presentedby: MarkG.StantonPE,CEM,EBCP ChiefCapitalProjectsOfficer Performance Contracting History • 1991 – WCSD was the First Public Agency in Nevada to enter into a “Shared Savings” agreement – Lighting (reflectors), HVAC ...
The 2017 Nevada Middle School YRBS provides statewide data to assess priority health-risk behaviors among middle school students; measure progress toward achieving national health objectives for Healthy People 2020 and other program and policy indicators; and evaluate the impact of school and community ...
Washoe County Child Protective Services 350 South Center Street, Reno 785-8600 Accepts reports regarding child abuse and neglect incidents Washoe High School - Cyesis Program 777 West Second Street, Reno 333-5150 For pregnant and parenting teens; high school parenting classes; child ...
Kings Academy is a school in Washoe County, Nevada and has an elevation of 1,467 metres. Mapcarta, the open map.