华盛顿大学(University of Washington)简称UW,始建于1861年,位于美国西海岸西雅图,是世界著名的顶尖研...
另外UW的CS专业声望是很高的,这边career fair也会来很多的大,在求职的时候同学们的简历很容易通过筛选...
UW SEBA is the premier organization for engaging Science & Engineering students with professionals and leaders in business, industry, academia and government. UWSEBA organizes the biggest student-run University of Washington career fair and host several
FUSE Career Fair is the region's largest career event with more than 700 students attending from Eastern Washington University, Gonzaga University, University of Idaho, Washington State University, and Whitworth University.
The annual Real Estate Career Fair is on Friday, February 7th in Gould Hall. This career fair is open to students in the Master of Science in Real Estate program, the real estate major, and real estate minor. This is an excellent opportunity to meet employers looking to hire students for...
圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis)坐落在美国中部的密苏里州,简称WashU或者WUSTL,创立于1853年,是美国9所“新常春藤”名校之一,被誉为美国中部地区的全能强者。在全美二十多所以国父乔治·华盛顿命名的大学中,圣路易斯华盛顿大学是历史最悠久、排名最靠前的高等院校,被称为“华盛顿大学中的No.1”。
The University of Washington (UW), through their irrationally woke staff and students, have declared war on law enforcement.
Howard University Free GMAC ToursSave this event: The Master's Tour Washington DC at Howard UniversityShare this event: The Master's Tour Washington DC at Howard University Washington DC Career Fair Thu, Feb 13 • 9:30 AM Marriott Free Career Fair ConnectionSave this event: Washington DC ...
总体来说,华大的食堂还是比较有质量的,分布于各个校区。学校里还有一些便利店、餐车等,供学生们选择。在校外,吃饭购物也非常方便,学校附近就有一条美食购物街(University Way NE),或者从学校乘坐公交可以到Downtown、Chinatown,选择更加多样。 小猴子 我那个时候在宿舍,也看到头顶有直升机还有很多警察在那维持秩序。游...
一、学校简介 乔治华盛顿大学(The George Washington University),以美国开国元勋(Founding Fathers),...