A highly critical audit alleges the Washington Township Municipal Authority's haphazard oversight opened the way for two employees to misappropriate thousands of dollars paid by customers and pay themselves more than $100,000 in unauthorized overtime.Gazarik, Richard...
These included social and recreational services for workers that are still to be found in some Indian factories (mainly in heavy manufacturing, e.g., townships provided by steel companies) and are a legacy of pre-reform times. In these cases, detailed data on worke...
The S o u l h One-Hdf of the Carli Schulenbrrrg Addilior~Lo Slillrualer The project area was part of Government Lot 4, Section 21, and part of Government Lot 1, Section 28, both in Township 30 N, Range 20 W. Included within the survey area was the South Half of Carli & ...
Serving Centerville, Kettering, Moraine and Washington Township, Ohio -AA+ English Español The Kettering Municipal Court provides justice services for misdemeanor traffic and criminal cases, handles arraignments and preliminary hearings for felonies, and hears civil complaints up to $15,000 and small...
Washington Township Municipal Authority Chairwoman ExitsThe chairwoman of the Washington Township Municipal Authority inFayette County unexpectedly...By PikulskyJeff