Washington State University is a top-tier public research university where scholars strive to make the world a better place. Students volunteer 75,000+ hours of service annually. Undergraduates learn hands-on, alongside professors whose discoveries resonate globally. Research addresses issues in health,...
Washington State University′s online programs are among more than 1,800 programs surveyed by U.S. News. Only regionally accredited institutions whose programs are offered mostly or entirely online were evaluated. Learn more about the online programs rankings methodology. Online Programs Rankings #17 ...
19 University of WA–Seattle (WA)* 83% 1751 7719 43% 44% 60 13 42 20 University of CA–San Diego (CA)* 89% 2343 10603 39% 42% 28 11 296 21 University of California–LA (CA)* 93% 2799 9938 43% 42% 39 16 118 22 Utah State University (UT)* 55% 976 11442 53% 61% 14 ...
Washington State University is a public institution that was founded in 1890. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 21,923 (fall 2023), its setting is rural, and the campus size is 1,742 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Washington State University's ranking in the...
Arizona State University (Tempe) AZ, United States Arizona State University (ASU) began life as the Tempe Normal School in 1885 and was… Founded 1885 University of La Verne CA, United States Key Student Statistics A breakdown of student statistics at George Washington University Student gender ...
ArizonaStateUniversity(ASU)beganlifeastheTempeNormalSchoolin1885andwas… VirginiaPolytechnicInstituteandStateUniversity–commonlyreferredtoas… LecturerinDrawingandSculpture Vietnamese-GermanUniversity Vietnam Vietnamese-GermanUniversity Vietnam TheVietnamese-GermanUniversity(VGU)isseekingahighlyqualifiedfull-timelec...
Washington State University Washington State University, in Pullman Washington State University (WSU, commonly pronounced Wazzu) is a public research university based in Pullman, Washington, in the Palouse region of the Pacific Northwest. Founded in 1890, WSU is the state's original and largest lan...
Discovery is at the heart of our university. We discover timely solutions to the world’s most complex problems and enrich the lives of people throughout our community, the state of Washington, the nation and the world.Academic Ranking of World Universities 18 Academic Ranking of World ...
2021 National University Rankings Since 2005, the Washington Monthly has ranked colleges based on what they do for the country. It’s our answer to U.S News & World Report, which relies on crude and easily manipulated measures of wealth, exclusivity, and prestige. We rank liberal arts colle...
Washington State University's 2024 acceptance rate is 85%. Understand the Requirements and Test Scores to apply to the school.