Washington Wine Country - Tour the areas within the vineyard region of Washington State known as Washington Wine Country: Tri-Cities, Walla Walla Valley and Yakima Valley.
今天来给大家介绍一下小编的母校:华盛顿州立大学Washington State University,简称WSU,是一所美国著名的公立研究型大学,成立于1890年,拥有120多年的建校史,学校的主校区坐落在华盛顿州威特曼郡的普尔曼市Pullman, Witman County,校园占地620公顷。在州内还建有斯波...
EDITORIAL: Washington State U.-Tri-Cities faces freshman challengesStaff Editorial
TCLBA is a not-for-profit organization maintaining strong relationships with the business community, government officials, and state and federal representatives. We actively partner with community organizations on initiatives to advance the Tri-Cities vision for a vibrant economy and quality of life. We...
Tri-City.com is the Tri-Cities Online Guide to Restaurants, Sights and Entertainment! When you need to find it fast, point your browser to Tri-City.com!
Tri-Cities, Washington The Destination The Tri-Cities, the urban hub of southeast Washington, is a unique and thriving region nestled in a stunning natural setting at the confluence of three rivers—the Columbia, Yakima, and Snake. As the third-largest metropolitan area in the state with a ...
Read our blog to keep up with the happenings in Kennewick, Pasco, and Richland. Visit Tri-Cities.
4. Tri-Cities Campus WSU三城校区在教育学生时强调“边做边学”法,同时专注于STEM(科学、 技术、工程学和数学)领域。 5. Everett Campus WSU北普吉特海湾校区通过埃弗雷特大学中心提供本科学位完成课程。埃弗雷特的WSU课程专注于附近西雅图和北普吉特海湾地区的高需求领域,如电气工程、酒店商务管理以及数据分析等专业。
Washington, constituent state of the U.S. Lying in the northwest corner of the 48 conterminous states, it is bounded by Canada to the north, Idaho to the east, Oregon to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Olympia is the state’s capital, and S
If you look closely at the plate you may recognize Horse Heaven Hills and the Columbia River as the landscape. The plate shows the breathtaking beauty Tri-Citians know all too well and helps an industry vital to the Tri-Cities, and the State's, economy. ...