This right to refuse treatment, be it founded on constitutional or common law precepts, is not absolute, for the state has an interest in protecting the sanctity of the lives of its citizens. See Saikewicz; Quinlan. This state interest has been identified in four areas: (1) the preservatio...
Ariel GarciaJanet GarciaMurderWashington lawChild protectionDrug useGuardianshipLegislation As prosecutors review murder charges against the mother of 4-year-old Ariel Garcia, a state lawmaker says the events leading up to his d...
His brother, Joseph R., took him to the State Hospital for the Insane a t Rochester where he remained until his discharge in February of 1898. He was able to regain the guardianship of his affairs that had been given to his wife, Mattie May.60 In 1918, C. H. and Mattie moved to ...
Attorney at Law PO Box 55 Glenoma, WA 98336 (360) 635-6437 Email: busyfamilyfarm | at | Web: Parent and Licensed attorney in WA State, legal services for others having children with disabilities, educator on child guardianship, and estate...