Transactions include checks paid, ACH debits/credits, ATM/debit card activity, deposits, and deposited items Business Relationship Checking III For businesses with high account activity Open Account $50.00 minimum to open the account No charge for the first 600 transactions, including checks paid, ACH...
There is a narrow exception to the posting requirement for jobs that are to be performedentirelyoutside of Washington. For example, the out-of-state exception would apply to jobs tied to worksites physically located entirely outside of Washington such as waitstaff at restaurant locat...
You’ll be subject to this requirement if you’ve been convicted of or forfeited bail for certain accidents, failed to pay judgments or driven or owned a vehicle involved in an accident. An SR-22 certificate is proof of insurance that insurers can file with the state to show that you ...
Both the federal government and the District of Columbia have a number of laws and regulations that contribute to the high cost of health insurance. These regulations include the requirement that health insurance plans cover a wide range of services, including mental health and substance abuse treatm...
Washington employers are not required to purchase short-term disability insurance for their employees. However, employers must comply with the federal and state short-term medical disability laws allowing their employees to use accrued leave during their short-term illnesses. In addition to receiving pr...
Have used EBI on several projects, including a major online registration system, highly specified, with multiple unusual requirement and reports and could not be happier. The developers I worked with took the time to understand the requirements and understood them correctly, thought them through and...
No matter the requirement for temporary housing, TurnKey is here to help. TurnKey provides customized Corporate Housing solutions nationwide for employee relocation, project management, training, audits, extended travel assignments, disaster relief, and much more. Headquartered in the Washington DC area...
In addition to this cost, you may have state and local business licenses, permits, and insurance to pay for when starting your Washington LLC. This will depend largely on the type of business you run. For example, if you work in the food service industry, you need a state business licens...
and the requirement that the bank holding company not control, prior to or following the proposed acquisition, more than 10% of the total amount of deposits of insured depository institutions nationwide or, unless the acquisition is the bank holding company's initial entry into the state, more ...
If you have employees in Washington D.C., you will need to register forunemployment insurance taxthrough theDC Department of Employment Servicesandemployee withholding taxthrough theMyTax DC portal. LLCs with more than $12,000 in gross income from DC sources must also pay the district’sfranchi...