As an LLC, you have different tax classification options to choose from. The majority of LLC owners opt for the default status. Under this setup, profits are passed through the LLC to the members. You pay taxes only on your individual income tax return. This is unlike most corporations, in...
Washington does not have corporate or personal income taxes, but as an LLC owner, you will have to pay B&O taxes on your individual tax return at a rate that depends on your industry and gross income. Additionally, cities across Washington may opt to have their own B&O taxes, so you may...
Individual returns (including state filing) are generally $250 to $550 per year. If you were self-employed, you can expect the fees to be on the higher side. Some clients, home buyers, people with complex tax planning issues might look for year-around advice from our experts. We have co...
This is a letter that notifies the State Department that issue is resolved. The client has entered into an installment agreement or submitted an Offer in Compromise. This is a letter that notifies the State Department that issue is resolved. The client has entered into an installment agreement o...
RockvilleandBethesda, Maryland, andFairfaxandAlexandria, Virginia. Mr. Pontius is a tax law attorney who represents individual and business clients with sensitive and serious tax matters before the Internal Revenue Service and state taxing authorities. His client base is local, national, and ...
$ 577 18,200 888 $19,665 $ 189 18,271 710 $19,170 Berkshire and its subsidiaries' income tax returns are continuously under audit by U.S. Federal and various state, local and foreign taxing authorities. Berkshire's consolidated U.S. Federal income tax return liabilities have been settled...
The maximum rebate would be $800 for an individual tax-return filer and $1,600 for joint filers. Those who do not earn enough to pay income tax would get no rebate (hence the "non-refundable" designation), and many people with lower incomes who pay some taxes would get only a partial...
Michelle L Drumbl | Washington and Lee University School of Law | Individual Income Tax, Innocent Spouse Relief | Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Director, Tax ClinicMichelle L Drumbl | Washington and Lee University School of Law | Individual Income Tax, Innocent Spouse Relief | Associate ...
IRS Form 6166, also called a “U.S. Residency Certification,” is an official document issued by the U.S. Department of Treasury. It certifies that an individual or business is a resident of the United States for income tax purposes. This form is crucial for U.S. residents seeking to ...
Most individual and single-state agents are noncommercial registered agents. You can appoint yourself, someone within the business, or a third party such as a registered agent company to accept service of process on behalf of your corporation. Learn why business pros use a registered agent ...