Firearm Safety Training Leaders in Excellent Safety Teaching Upcoming Courses Pistol Fundamentals Classes In this eight (8) hour course, split between the classroom and range, students learn the universal rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range ...
EVERYTHING Is Included in Our State CCW Classes to obtain a Utah permit. All State Required Instruction including: Basic firearm mechanics & operation Concealed Carry Ammunition overview Different types of Concealed Carry firearms CCW General firearm safety ...
Northwest Firearm Finishes is a certified Cerakote applicator located in Eastern Washington State, serving the Pacific Northwest with over 30 years of experience in graphic design. Cerakote, Stippling and Engraving services available in Richland, Kennewi
We had a few of these as kids, now you'll go to jail for them in Washington State. Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals Machine Guns canva Machine Guns It is illegal to own or possess a machine gun or any firearm that can fire more than one shot automatically, without manual reloading. Short-b...
The presence of a firearm by definition always escalates the chance of any situation spiralling out of control and compromising people’s safety. Life is full of freak, random events. It is impossible to control for everything. Surely school children would be better served by not being too ...
Firearm Safety Training Leaders in Excellent Safety Teaching Pistol Fundamentals Classes In this eight (8) hour course, split between the classroom and range, students learn the universal rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; two-hande...