employers must comply with the federal and state short-term medical disability laws allowing their employees to use accrued leave during their short-term illnesses. In addition to receiving protection under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Washington law allows ...
We will be with you every step of the way, so you will never have to walk alone. We vigorously defend employee rights and do not give up until an employee’s rights are vindicated. In addition to helping employees deal with issues as they arise, we also offer a wide range of education...
r dev"! Employees aged 14 to 15 years old must earn at least $13.38 per hour in 2023. The L&I salary threshold will change annually through 2028. (1) $45,000 ($865.38/week) an exempt executive, administrative, or professional employee; (2) $101,250 for those who meet the duties-r...
The state of Washington will honor oral agreements that do not violate the Statute of Frauds. An oral agreement is a contract that has not been written down. The main problem with oral contracts is that, since there is no writing to evidence the terms of the agreement, they can be very ...
Employee Termination Hearings LEADERSHIP Sheryl Wood has served in various legal and community organizations. Some of her leadership positions include: • President, National Black Prosecutors Association (NBPA), 1997-99; • National Bar Association (NBA) Parliamentarian, 2008-2009; ...
Under the Uniform Commercial Code, banks are required to act in a commercially reasonable manner in the opening and maintenance of bank accounts. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. In fact, billions of dollars are lost each year to employee embezzlers, conspirators, fraudsters, thi...