1.Last year at this time, I predicted that after booting single-family-zone preservationist Rep. Gerry Pollet (D-46, North Seattle) from his powerful position as chair of the local government committee earlier that month, the new wave of young Democrats in the state legislature would finally ...
Jim O’Neill is poised to usher in a deregulatory paradigm that would allow a proliferation of dubious products on the US market under the guise of “innovation” and “efficiency.” Late last November, President Donald Trump announced Jim O’Neill as his nominee for deputy secretary … ...
but was certain it would fail. The president and Secretary of State Dean Rusk privately pursued a secret, back-channel deal to remove the Turkish missiles soon after the Cuban missiles were withdrawn. But, the deal remained secret for decades and the “Trollope Ploy” lived on as the public...
Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson signed an April 19, 1790 letter addressed to Samuel Huntington, the Governor of Connecticut, announcing the suspension of a controversial clause of Alexander Hamilton?s 1789 Revenue Act, which threatened the autonomy (and the profi...
In response to criticism about holding the interview in the Lincoln Memorial that his aides had arranged by getting the Secretary of Interior to waive a rule against political events inside the Memorial, Trump even said that this location was Fox’s choice, not his. Trump’s Response to Presid...
Secretary George Schultz and his deputy set out in 1969 to force the labor unions, which were the major obstacle to fair employment practices, to desegregate. Nixon was also the principal sponsor of temporary affirmative action in employment and contracting. The notion that a president who is ...
(in Virginia), the Federal Bureau of Investigation building, theLibrary of Congress, the National Archives Building, Constitution Hall, the Ronald Reagan Building, the Watergate apartment complex, the State Department (“Foggy Bottom”), and the headquarters of the World Bank. Ford's Theatre, ...
Secretary of State: Steve Hobbs U.S. Senate: Maria Cantwell I am not a fan of Maria Cantwell, she is far too much a blind supporter of military spending , but she’s done a decent job of supporting the right side of environmental issues over the last number of years in the Senate. ...
“Now Trump is reportedly urging DeSantis to appoint his daughter-in-law, LARA TRUMP, to fill MARCO RUBIO‘s Senate seat if the Florida senator is confirmed as secretary of State. Their appearance together Saturday will fuel questions about the alliance and whether the role of the Defense secr...
The former president and Hillary Clinton, according to sources, are furious with Weiner for his betrayal of his wife, Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to the secretary of state. Yep...How soon they forget and lose the ability to give grace...Bill Clinton did the same thing to his wife and...