688 District 50 supports 688 students in grades K-8. ≥95% Pass Rate Beverly Manor 8th graders transition to WCHS with high success. Find your Fit Our school offers 25+ sports or clubs for your child to stay engaged and involved.
Bethel School District 6schoolsin district 10.31659 Bickleton School District 1schoolin district 0.0N/AN/A Blaine School District 2schoolsin district 5.03871 Bremerton School District 3schoolsin district 8.51952 Brewster School District 2schoolsin district ...
Washington County School DistrictQuality Education Today for a Better Tomorrow Announcement!JOB VACANCY - WE'RE HIRING SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS 1 2 3 4 Programs Read It PreviousNext DISTRICT RESOURCES DISTRICT CALENDAR - Upcoming Events 7TueFeb25
The Lake Washington School District is home to 55 schools, including 32 elementary schools, 12 middle schools, 9 high schools, and 2 alternative schools, serving students across a range of performance levels. The district is known for its exceptional academic achievements, with several schools ranki...
The district is always revisiting best practices to ensure we are providing academically rigorous learning! I am proud to be a part of district 52! - Jessica Wentz, 1st Grade I have the best job in the whole school! I am a therapy dog so I get to come to school every day to make...
WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, N.J. (CBS) – One of the largest school districts in South Jersey is now under a new partnership. A full-time police officer will now be stationed inside every school in Washington Township to help keep the campuses secure and to help build better relationships wit...
North Thurston Public Schools, a school district in Washington, came under fire recently for categorizing Asian students as "white" instead of "students of color" in a performance report. Next Shark reports that the district, which is comprised of 22 schools and about 16,000 students, did ...
Gallaudet, notably, was founded by Congress as the world's first school of advanced learning for the deaf. The U.S. National Arboretum, a free botanical garden and research center, can also be found here. Atlas District This district, which refers to a portion of H Street Northeast between...
At Washington Junior High School, 15% of students scored at or above the proficient level for reading. School information is provided by the government. Subject Proficiency 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% 15% 15% 29% Math Reading School District State School Data School...
另外就是大家比较关注的安全问题,我觉得这边治安还算可以,但是U district偶尔会有抢劫发生,尤其是50街...