The Washington Post plans to cut nearly 4 percent of its total workforce in the coming days, the company said Tuesday. A Post spokesperson said the cuts are part of plans to make larger changes across several of its business functions and would result in
Several of the paper's high-profile staffers have announced departures for other outlets in recent weeks, including reporters Josh Dawsey, Ashley Parker, Michael Scherer, Tyler Page and Leigh Ann Caldwell, columnist Charles Lane and editor Matea Gold. The Post's Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist ...
association dinner, where his tablemates included ryan, white house bureau chief ashley parker, and senator amy klobuchar. his goal for the collaboration, he told me, is “to put the right structure in place to give the post and its journalists an access point to professional producers, to ...
Looking for our race calendar?Click here Submit races hereorshop local for running gear DCXC,News Who’s coaching who? Lessons from cross country practice work both ways Kelyn SoongSeptember 9, 2024at2:00pm Kelyn Soong (left) consults with Tom Martin (right) as Ashley Corbey (center) look...
#newwashingtonguessinggame ; Fake Twitter personalities mock politicians and journalists in the capitalASHLEY PARKER
On the fashion and home furnishings front, DC remains a conservative city overall, but even before Washington Post fashion reporter Robin Givhan won a Pulitzer Prize for her dead-on commentaries on the significance of clothing and style, Washingtonians had come a long way from their stodgy reputat...
I was so excited, coming here, I was beat by two seconds off the line, it was a big bummer, so I wanted to come back and run. An Oregon guy took the lead here, then a Washington guy, Parker, pushed to get the Oregon guy, then, Drew Odonahue was pushing the hills, and I pus...
Washington Hotel Offers (Apolitical) ViewsThe Graham Hotel offers sleek rooms in a convenient Georgetownlocation and a great rooftop bar...Parker, Ashley