China's per capita GDP, though reaching the record high of 1,000 US dollars last year, still ranks well behind the 100th place in the world. To realize China's modernization program and offer all the Chinese people a prosperous life there is yet an uphill battle to fight. We have alrea...
China is strategically fortifying the range of its economic relationships in order to put the buffers on the impact of American-led decoupling and more broadly integrate itself into the global economy. The more China wraps up trade deals with others and pushes the BRI forwards, the less political...
A central focus is the mismatch between economic growth performance and social performance and the ways in which domestic policy can rectify this mismatch to deliver more social achievements for any given level of GDP per capita. Even the apparent difference in values between the SHD approach and ...
SIAM 21 was held in Washington DC, hosted by the United States. The initial assessment documents of two substances (CAS numbers: 100-74-3, 107-18-6) at SIAM 21 were submitted by the Japanese Government with or without ICCA and all of them were agreed at the meeting. In this report, ...