Download the 2024 Fair Brochure FAIR BROCHUREScholarship in Memory of Mike Orris Applications being Accep The Washington County Fair Association started an endowment fund with the Community Foundation of Washington County in 2019 to provide for an annual scholarship. The $1,000 scholarship will be ...
Puzzled and slightly perplexed, the individual couldn't help but express their bewilderment at the unusually short stall walls in Iowa's rest stops. But this maybe says more about the people of Iowa, who are naturally very curious individuals. Just as the stall walls offer little privacy, Iowa...
Posted onJuly 29, 2024 Purple Ribbon Coconut Snack Cake Recipe Iowa County fair season starts in late June and really starts cranking up the month of July, culminating with the Iowa State Fair, held in August. With over 1 million people attending, theIowa State Fair is the Granddaddy of al...
These three are buffeted by a cast of poets, artists, landlords, meat-packing workers, and mathematicians who populate the cafes, classrooms, and food-service kitchens of Iowa City, sometimes to violent and electrifying consequence. Finally, as each prepares for an uncertain future, the group ...
June 1st, 2024: Summer Tax Auction Season is here with thousands of auctions to choose from! The Summer auction lineup includes seasonal states with annual auctions like Florida (tax liens), Arkansas (tax deeds), Oklahoma (tax deeds), Iowa (tax liens), Maryland (tax liens), plus the last...
The Villisca axe murders took place in June of 1912 in Villisca, Iowa, but the case remains unsolved to this day. All six members of the Moore family, as well as two guests, were found bludgeoned on the floor. The eight victims had severe head wounds from what appeared to be an axe....
- Original location: Muscatine, Iowa - Number of locations: 31 - Current states: Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Ohio Back in 1926 when Fred Angell served one of his new sandwich creations to his deliveryman, he responded with, "this sandwich is made right." So Maid-Rite was ...
on February 27, 2022 at 12:14 pm Iowa Joins the Flat Tax Club | International Liberty […] I wrote last month that Iowa might replace its discriminatory tax regime with a simple and fair flat tax. […] on February 21, 2022 at 7:13 pm Dan Mitchell: What good advice could Jimmy Cart...
Founder Donald Lamberti opened his first convenience store in Boone, Iowa, in 1968, naming it after the initials of a friend, Kurvin C. Fish. Lamberti opted to move into small communities, and to this day, more than half the stores are located in places with fewer than 5,000 residents....
At his thirty-nine town hall meetings, across every county in Iowa’s Fourth District, Scholten spoke about improving the economy by addressing the growing power of agribusiness monopolies, which, by raising prices on what farmers buy and pushing down prices of what farmers sell, are devastating...