nd la wfu l ag e nts an d pr ox ie s with fu ll po w er o f su b stitu tio n in ea ch , to rep re se nt th e u n d ers ign e d a t th e An n u al M e etin g of S h a reh o ld ers of G YR OD YN E CO M P AN Y O F AM ER ICA ,I NC. ...
(e-NC Authority of NC) Chris Perlitz (Municipal Services Group) Jean Plymale (EDUCAUSE and Virginia Tech) Mitch Shapiro (Broadband Market Analysis) Esme Vos (MuniWireless) Ted Woodward (Telcordia) Co-Chairs Brent Olson (AT&T) Ben Scott (Free Press) AVAILABILITY WORKING GROUP Management Committee...
After applying an Analytical Hierarchy Process and assigning weighted criteria, an overlay method in GIS produced maps of suitability, with the basin showing 3% as very suitable and 31% potentially suitable for artificial recharge projects. Quantitatively evaluating aquifer recharge tends to necessitate ...