The settlement price for current vintage allowances inWashington state's Auction #3 of its cap-and-invest programjumped 12.5% quarter on quarter, once again triggering anAllowance Price Containment Reserve auction, as organizersconsider linking programs with other jurisdictions.Kassia Micek...
Though the programs’ first months have helped to answer some of the questions stakeholders had late last year on pricing and demand, one big one remains: If and when Washington will link its program with California’s and Quebec’s joint cap and trade program under the Western Climate Initiat...
Winter 2022 As part of the Climate Commitment Act passed in the Washington Legislature, Department of Ecology has recently released their rules and impacts of this three-pronged program to include a Cap and Trade Program, LCFS, and Green House Gas Program. Read More...2022...
30 Payment Solutions We have partnered with several domestic companies to facilitate e-commerce transactions, including China Merchants Bank, Capinfo (formerly China Information Highway Corporation), iPayment and ChinaPay. Through these partnerships, we can provide secure and reliable online payment ...
(States Newsroom) More than a year before Democrats in Congress approved a massive climate law last year, Washington state enacted the nation’s second cap-and-trade program that will provide billions of dollars for carbon reduction and environmental justice projects. ...
The bill requires CARB to develop and adopt a comprehensive plan for achieving real, quantifiable and cost-effective GHG emission reductions, including a statewide GHG emissions cap, mandatory reporting rules, and regulatory and market mechanisms to achieve reductions of GHG emissions. CARB is a ...
Trade Count: (+3) Legend Join Date: Apr 2009 Posts: 21603 Groups: SCI, RMEF, NRA, Hunter Education Re: PENNSYLVANIA HUNTER KILLS RECORD WASHINGTON RAM « Reply #19 on: November 25, 2021, 07:15:47 AM » Assuming these are raffle tickets with no cap, he probably bought a lot of...
Washington state regulators on Tuesday released draft bill text that would allow sources covered by the state carbon market to purchase more allowances at auction and to rely on a broader pool of offset credits. The legislation is designed to align cap-and-trade rules with those in the ...